
Thursday, 13 October 2016


Yesterday for reading first we read  a book called Mm mm that's tasty. It was about our taste buds and how we taste food. Did you know that you have 10,000 taste buds ? If you eat or drink something hot you lose taste buds. Did you know that children have more taste buds then adults.My sister has a really sensitive tongue and she can taste pepper if my Nana just's put one drop of it.When we finished the book we done a exasperate on the jelly bean and see what will happen if we block our nose well eating it.We had to get a buddy and one persons has to have three jelly beans in their hand.Then the person that doesn't have a jelly bean has to close their eyes,Block there nose and put there hand out.Then they had to put it in your mouth.Then we had to guess what flavor it was with our nose blocked.

What's your favorite food ?

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Janet. I like how you explained what you did by telling us that you had to guess what flavor it was. Next time you could tell us what flavor you thought your jelly bean was. This reminds me of when I was making jelly bean graphs 2 years ago. Do you like jelly beans?
