
Tuesday 13 October 2015

Science with Sally

Today Sally came over again and taught us about waste water.I learned that really salty water can push you up but when it's fresh water you can sink when you can't swim.

This is me, Nabila and Hopelilly doing a experiment about science. We had a plastic tube to put colors in it. But first we put dye in the cups then we put the tube in the yellow,red then blue.We added in the salt in two of the cups.The first one we did one spoon on the second one we put two spoons

This  is Nabila putting in the red dye and mixing it.It is dark red.

This is me and Nabila mixing the red and blue for long as.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet,
    I really like how you talked about the difference between salty water and fresh water. It reminds me of floating and sinking in the pool! What did you do after you mixed the water and colouring together?

    - Miss Percy
